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Second Chance
Format: NTSC (All Regions)
Audio Option: Chinese and Mandarin
Subtitle Option: English and Chinese
Genre: Comedy/ Drama
Release Date: 42307
Runtime: 106 Miins
Director : Tann Kung
Actor : Shang-Yi Wen, Peijia Huang, Shih-Sian Wang
Synopsis: The movie talks about Ren-Siang who is a beautiful 16-year-old girl but has a calm look which does not match her age. Six months ago, her parents passed away in a terrible car accident and left her nothing besides this pool club called “Champion Pool Club”. Siang is now under the pressure to be sent to a foster home if no one is going to be her legal guardian. Shuan-Feng who is Siang’s uncle used to be the world champion of billiards, but he escaped ten years ago due to fatal pool gambling. Shuan-Feng is forced to return and becomes Siang’s guardian. However, even though the two people are blood related, they have not seen each other for a long time.